Beamlines an der KIT Light Source

INE-Beamline & ACT Labor an der CAT-ACT-Beamline

INE operates two beamlines at the KIT Light Source:

  • the INE-Beamline since 2005
  • the ACT laboratory at the CAT-ACT beamline since 2016


Layout of the KIT Light Source - beamlines operated by  INE are marked in yellow.

INE - Beamline

ACT - Laboratory


INE/ACT beamline downloads




Dr. Jörg Rothe     Dr. Kathy Dardenne     
Tel. (+49) 721 608- 24390 Tel. (+49) 721 608- 26669
Prof. Dr. Tonya Vitova    
Tel. (+49) 721 608- 24024