EURAD-RAMPEC: Radionuclide mobility under perturbed conditions
- contact:
- funding:
EURAD: European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management
- Partner:
32 groups from 13 countries
- startdate:
- enddate:
RAMPEC will provide improved methods and approaches both regarding mechanistic modelling and modelling radionuclide migration on the cell scale. This is realized by the use of existing data from previous projects (FUTURE, CORI, …) and targeted new experimental investigations. All R&D Tasks aim for both scientific excellence and high relevance in the applied context. The restriction of RAMPEC on three systems (Clay, Granite, Cement) with a limited number of specific perturbations to be investigated ensures a meaningful WP with a clear focus. It likewise ensures inclusiveness and opens new opportunities for coherent and forceful collaborations between the Tasks and Subtasks described below. RAMPEC will thus allow for a broad international cooperation throughout Europe with excellent opportunities for education and training as well as sharing of resources and expertise.