
Department head:        Dr. Marcus Altmaier     


                                   +49 721 608 22592   

The Radiochemistry Division at KIT-INE is performing cutting-edge scientific research on the chemical behavior of long-lived radionuclides. As the main focus clearly centers on aquatic systems relevant in the context of nuclear waste disposal, actinide coordination chemistry and extraction processes are likewise studied.

Building up on the investigation of fundamental topics of key scientific interest, research in the Radiochemistry Division also extends to application oriented research.
Key outputs are detailed qualitative and quantitative scientific descriptions of radionuclide solubility phenomena, complexation reactions, redox chemistry, interaction with mineral surfaces, colloid chemistry and coordination/extraction chemistry.

The research activities are strongly exploiting synergies within KIT-INE and are integrated into several national and international frameworks and cooperations.








Alphalabor Blick durch die Tür
Aquatic Chemistry
Colloid / Interface Chemistry
SEM Bild von Magnetit Bildung
Secondary Phases
Actinide coordination and extraction chemistry