Information for students
In addition to the scientific focus, INE takes up the challenge of maintaining and further developing know-how and competences in radiochemistry. This is done by lectures and practical courses at KIT and the University of Heidelberg as well as by lectures at the Universities of Strasbourg, and Darmstadt and within the framework of doctoral and student research projects.
Prof. Dr. Horst Geckeis, head of INE, holds a professorship for radiochemistry at the KIT Department of Chemistry and Biosciences. A radiochemistry module has been set up for master students, consisting of basic and advanced lectures on radiochemistry as well as laboratory courses. The focus of the lectures "Radiochemistry I" and "Radiochemistry II" is on basic and applied radiochemistry. This basic lecture is complemented by the lecture "Chemistry of f-Elements" and the lecture "Instrumental Analytics".
In addition to the lectures, students in the radiochemistry module as well as students of the University of Heidelberg are offered a three-week block internship in the "Fortbildungszentrum für Technik und Umwelt" (Research Center for Technology and Environment, FTU) and in the control area of the INE.
Further lectures take place at the Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences and at the Department of Mechanical Engineering.