CRC: 4f for future
- contact:
- funding:
- Partner:
A1: KIT - Institute for Inorganic Chemistry
A3: KIT - Institute of Nanotechnology
- startdate:
- enddate:
A1: Activation and Stabilization of Small Molecules by Rare-Earth Compounds
The project A1 aims to develop spectroscopic methods for bonding analysis of f-element compounds. We use advanced X-ray spectroscopy - HR-XANES and HR-XES - at the KIT Light Source to study the activation of small molecules by using reactive lanthanide complexes. This includes lanthanide-ligand bonding interactions and covalency, bond stability, and redox behavior from both the metal and ligand perspectives (hard and soft x-ray). Additionally, novel lanthanide 4+ compounds will be prepared by the project partner and will be examined to understand their complex electronic structures.
Contact: Tonya Vitova
Project partner: Peter Roesky - KIT Institute for Inorganic Chemistry
A3: Lanthanide-Based Multimetallic Clusters: Impact of f-Elements on Formation, Structures, Electronic Properties and Reactivity
The project A3 focuses on understanding the bonding properties and reactivity of multimetallic clusters containing lanthanide (Ln) ions. Through high-resolution x-ray spectroscopy, we probe the electronic structure and bonding interactions in clusters with varying f-electron configurations. Key objectives include the synthesis of intermetalloid and heterometallic clusters by the project partner, determination of formation pathways, and investigation of bond activation capabilities in solution and the gas phase. Computational studies will also complement experimental results, providing insights into the magnetic properties and reactivity of these clusters, with a focus on fine-tuning properties via different Ln ions and metal cages.
Contact: Tonya Vitova
Project partner: Stefanie Dehnen - KIT Institute of Nanotechnology
C5: Orbital origins of Ln magnetic properties by XMCD and high-resolution XMCD
The project C5 became part of the collaborative research center “4f for future” (4f4f) in 2024. Our aim is to investigate the magnetic properties of Lanthanide (Ln) compounds via X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) and high-energy resolution (HR)-XMCD at the KITLight Source and other synchrotrons worldwide. Within the 4f4f consortium, a plethora of different Ln based molecules and compounds with unique properties are synthesized. We want to enable magnetic X-ray experiments of these often very sensitive samples and achieve deeper understanding of elemental and orbital origins of the magnetic properties of these molecules and compounds.
Contact: Bianca Schacherl